Rick Joe Musick on Friday, March 5, 2010 at 3:07am
Yesterdays- I am so glad that we do not have to relive our yesterdays,
I am thankful that today we can start anew.
We have today to build a upon,
And tomorrow this day will be gone.
Yesterdays are dead and gone,
Now today has come along.
Perhaps you have gone through the sorrows of yesterdays.
Yesterdays seemed so long,
But now that today has finally arrived,
perhaps today we can be refreshed and revived.
The hope of looking out upon the horizon,
To watch the rising of the morning sun.
To feel the freshness of a cool gentle breeze.
Reminds us that yesterdays are done.
Not that yesterdays were all that bad,
Not that every moment was terribly sad,
But that yesterdays are in the past,
All mistakes buried in time,
Today we start anew.
To watch our words and what we say,
to watch our deeds along the way,
To watch our steps lest we stray,
To take the time to stop and pray,
To do better than we did yesterday.
So friend, forget about yesterdays and what you've done,
Live for today before tomorrow comes.
The Lord knows everything,
He knows all about yesterday,
Everything that you might have done, and
The burdens, the cares, the struggles, the shortcomings, everything that happened yesterday.
Ask Him to help you today, and your today will be better than yesterday.
Ó Rev. Rick J. Musick 7-12-08