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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Jesus Came to My House One Day

Jesus Came to My House One Day (Evg. Rick J. Musick 3-17-11)

I had a dream the other night,
The dream gave me great insight.
It woke me up, I had to pray.

In the dream Jesus came to my house one day,
I was to ashamed to ask Him to stay.
The place was a mess- trash all around.

When Jesus walked in, it was the look on His face,
I felt ashamed - in total disgrace,
My house should be a holy place.

I know Jesus saw the books on the shelf,
I swallowed hard when He saw the movies too.
Why did I buy that magazine?

Jesus looked at me with sadness in His eyes,
He stared at me as if wondering why?
Why would I need such carnal, worldly things?

He walked towards the door,
I opened it fast!
Jesus was leaving my house at last.

Before He walked out,
He turned and said:
“None of those things will bring joy that last.”

“One more thing before I go,
You once knew me through the power of the Holy Ghost.
Now tell me, who do you love the most?”

I shut the door,
My knees hit the floor,
I cried, “Please Jesus come back through my door!”

I lifted my hands,
I worshiped the Lord,
I felt my spirit begin to soar!

I prayed through,
To victory anew,
I knew then what I must do.

I grabbed a trash can
then I began,
I refuse to live like a backslidden man!

I cleaned up my house that day,
Jesus knocked on my door,
I invited Him in this time, to stay!

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